Same Age - 55

Robert Richard Clarke
A First Mate with S.S. Strathcona (Hamilton, Ontario), Robert died on 13th of April 1917 at the age of 55.
Robert was born at Lowestoft on 8 February 1862, a son of James Albert and Eliza Clarke. He was baptised at Christchurch, Lowestoft, on 1 May 1870. In 1871 his family lived at Wilde’s Score. Later Robert’s mother lived at Bemment’s Buildings, Saint Peter’s Street, and subsequently at 37 Albert Street.

Arthur Robert Clarke
A Deck Hand with Fishing Vessel Encourage (Shoreham), Arthur died on 25th of October 1940 at the age of 55.
Arthur was born at Lowestoft on 9 December 1885, a son of Robert King and Mary Ann Clarke. He was baptised at Saint John's Church, Lowestoft, on 21 February 1886 and his family lived at 51 Bevan Street. In 1891 his family lived at 12 Grosvenor Road, Kirkley. By 1901 they were living at 17 Beckham Road and Arthur was a saw mill hand. In 1911 they were living at 18 Maidstone Road and Arthur was a wood sawyer at a joinery.

George Robert Richardson
Formerly a Deck Hand with the Royal Naval Reserve, George died on 17th of November 1918 at the age of 55.
George was born at Driffield, Yorkshire, on 2 May 1863, a son of Richard and Mary Richardson. In 1871 his family lived at Haughton Terrace, Hunslet, Leeds.

George Alexander Simpson Smith
A Civilian, George died on 7th of February 1941 aged 55.
George was born at Everton, Liverpool, on 4 March 1885, a son of George Main and Jane Isabella Smith. In 1891 his family lived at 26 Newburgh Street, Amble, Northumberland.
On 17 November 1908 George was became a Preventative Man with the Customs Service. In 1911 he lodged at 39 Alexandra Road, Grimsby.