Robert Richard Clarke
A First Mate with S.S. Strathcona (Hamilton, Ontario), Robert died on 13th of April 1917 at the age of 55.
Robert was born at Lowestoft on 8 February 1862, a son of James Albert and Eliza Clarke. He was baptised at Christchurch, Lowestoft, on 1 May 1870. In 1871 his family lived at Wilde’s Score. Later Robert’s mother lived at Bemment’s Buildings, Saint Peter’s Street, and subsequently at 37 Albert Street.
From 1877 to 1887 Robert served in the Merchant Service. He served as a seaman on the Advance (Lowestoft), the Marchioness of Londonderry (Faversham), the Phane (Lowestoft), the Skimmer of the Sea (Lowestoft), and the Northumberland (Middlesbrough), the Eureka (Cardiff), the Mazeppa (London), the Sunlight (Hartlepool), the Tyne (Newcastle), the United Service (London), the Dunholme (Hartlepool), the Monte Rose (South Shields), the Hilda (Hartlepool), and the Alice (Middlesbrough).
Robert gave his address as the Engineer’s and Nautical School, West Hartlepool, when he applied for his certificate of competency as a Second Mate in the Merchant Service. On 4 April 1887 he was awarded the certificate, for fore and aft rigged vessels only.
In 1888 he lived at 45A Rutland Street, Middlesbrough, with Phebe Stone and her daughter Ada Phoebe, who both came from Pakefield. In 1887-1888 he served as Second Mate on the Hatfield (Hartlepool).
On 21 December 1888 Robert was awarded his certificate of competency as a Mate in the Merchant Service, fore and aft rigged vessels. From 1888 to 1891 he served as Second Mate on the Dalheattie (Hartlepool), the Bishopgate (London), and the Aldergate (London)
Robert was awarded his certificate of competency as a Master in the Merchant Service on 9 January 1892 and his address was 11 Bevois Street, Southampton.
In 1896 Robert married Ada Pheobe Stone at Middlesbrough. By 1911 their home was 37 Warwick Street, Middlesbrough.
In 1901 Robert was the Mate on the Allerwash at Dover. In 1911 he was the Master of the Lord Londonderry at Thurrock, Essex.
By 1917 Robert was the First Mate on the S.S. Strathcona. On 13 April 1917 the Strathcona was taking a cargo of coal from the Tyne to Marseille when the ship was sunk by a torpedo fired by submarine U-78. Nine crew, including Robert, were lost.
Robert Clarke
Albert Street (now renamed Park Rd)
United Kingdom
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