Reginald Robert Frank Castleton
A Private with 2/1st Bucks Battalion, Reginald died on 26th of June 1916 at the age of 22.
Reginald was born at Lowestoft in 1893, a son of Charles T. W. and Emily A, Castleton. By 1901 Reginald’s mother had died and the family lived at 152 Saint Peters Street, Lowestoft, this was Reginald’s home for the rest of his life. In 1911 Reginald worked as a grocer’s assistant.
Reginald had an additional middle name, Frank, and it was using this name that he enlisted, in the Suffolk Regiment, number 1886. He was subsequently transferred to the 2/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion and it seems that he arrived in France in May 1916. Reginald served with A Company.
In mid-June 1916 the 2/1st Battalion were in trenches near Fauquissart. The Battalion War Diary for 26 June has:
More shelling by us. Enemy retaliated with some shelling at our gun positions. At the front line trenches he only used aerial torpedoes and grenades, these were responsible for some damage and casualties.
Three men were killed, including Reginald, and four wounded.
Reginald Castleton
St Peters Street
United Kingdom
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