Christopher Catchpole
An Engineman with H.M. Drifter Restore. Christopher died on 12th of October 1915 at the age of 25.
Christopher was born at Kessingland on 3 October 1890, a son of James Thomas and Jane Charlotte Catchpole. In 1891 his family lived at Market Place, Kessingland, and by 1901 at Manor Cottages, Old Market, Kessingland.
On 14 September 1914 Christopher married Ada Florence May at Saint Margaret's Church, Lowestoft. Christopher was living at 194 Raglan Street, and worked as a fisherman, and Ada lived at 75 Milton Road. In 1915 they lived at 11 Arnold Street, and later Ada lived at 80 Saint Peters Street, Lowestoft.
Christopher joined the Royal Naval Reserve on 3 August 1915 and served for a time on the trawler Maud Evelyn.
Christopher died when the drifter Restore was sunk by U-Boat gun-fire at the Otranto Straight.
His bother John died in 1916.
Christopher Catchpole
St Peters Street
United Kingdom
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