Frank Stanley Blowers
A Private with the 1/4th Battalion, Frank died of wounds on 15th of April 1917 at the age of 24.
Frank was born at Lowestoft in 1893, a son of Henry John and Alice Edith Blowers. In 1901 his family lived at 7 Mariner's Street, Lowestoft. In 1911 his family lived at 16 Kirkley Street and Frank was a wood sawyer and a saw mill.
Frank enlisted in the Army at Ely and served, initially, with the Suffolk Yeomanry, number 1819. Later he was transferred to the Suffolk Regiment, number 5357, and posted to the 1/4th Battalion. he was renumbered to 202169 in 1917.
It is not possible to say precisely when, or how, Frank was wounded, but it is possible that he was wounded by shell-fire when the battalion were in the vicinity of the Neuville-Vitasse to Henin-sur-Coseul Road. Given where Frank is buried it is likely that he died of wounds at a casualty clearing station.
Frank's father was killed on 23 May 1917 when the trawler 'Tettenhall' was sunk by a mine.
Subsequently Frank's mother lived at 71 Morton Road, Lowestoft.
Frank Blowers
Morton Road
United Kingdom
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