Same Age - 24

Harold Arthur Paget Aldred
A Private with 1/1st Bn., Harold died on 21st of September 1918 at the age of 24.
Harold was born at Lowestoft on 21 February 1894, a son of Arthur and Isabel Maude Aldred. He was baptised at Saint Margaret's Church, Lowestoft, on 14 March 1894 and at that time his family lived at 13 Thurston Road. By 1901 his family were living at 233 Raglans Street, Lowestoft. In 1911 Harold's family were living at 5 Beresford Road, and Harold worked as a milk boy.

Bertie Ernest Allen
A Deck Hand with H.M. Drifter Kent County. Bertie died on 8th of December 1916 at the age of 23.
Bertie was born at Lowestoft on 28 October 1893, a son of William John and Margaret Allen. He was baptised at All Saint's Church, Pakefield, on 11 February 1894, and his family lived at Kirkley. In 1891 his family lived at 82 Pakefield Street. Later his family lived at 22 Pakefield Street.

Ernest John Allen
A Private with 45 Divisional Supply Column. Ernest died on 2nd of October 1940 aged 24.
Ernest was born at Lowestoft on 8 October 1915, a son of Albert and Lilian May Allen. He was baptised at Saint Margaret's Church, Lowestoft, on 11 November 1915 and his family lived at 50 Cambridge Road.
After Ernest's father's death his mother married John Nathan and by 1921 his family were living at 71 Beresford Road.

Percy George Armes
A Private with 2nd Battalion, Percy died on 7th of May 1916 at the age of 24.
Percy was born at Lowestoft in 1892. Commonwealth War Graves records show that he was a son of Caroline Susanna Armes and Athol Burroughs. Percy’s mother died in 1894 and he became the foster son of Mark and Harriet Carver. In 1901 the family lived at Fern Villa, 2 Commodore Road, Oulton Broad, later his foster parents lived at 2 Jasmine Terrace, Commodore Road..

Archibald Henry Barker
A Deck Hand with H.M. Drifter Kent County., Archibald died on 8th of December 1916 at the age of 24.
Archibald was born at Broome, Norfolk, on 28 June 1892, a son of Henry and Henrietta Barker. He was baptised at Broome on 27 August 1892. In 1901 his family lived at 9 Risborough Road, Maidenhead, and by 1905 they were living at 108 Cordwallis Road, Maidenhead. Archibald’s father died in 1905 and the family moved back to Broome and his mother married Robert Hancy in 1907.

Henry George Bird
A Private with 1/8th Bn., Henry died on 5th of May 1915 at the age of 24.
Henry was born at Kirkley on 24 October 1890, a son of Edward William and Anna Elizabeth Bird. He was baptised at All Saints and Saint Margaret's Church, Pakefield, on 11 January 1891. In 1891 his family lived at 18 Wilson Road, Kirkley, and by 1901 they were living at 2 Wilson Road East, Kirkley.
Henry attended Kirkley School from 1 September 1895.

Percy Robert Blanchflower
A Private with the 2nd Battalion, Percy died on 10th of October 1918 aged 24.

Frank Stanley Blowers
A Private with the 1/4th Battalion, Frank died of wounds on 15th of April 1917 at the age of 24.
Frank was born at Lowestoft in 1893, a son of Henry John and Alice Edith Blowers. In 1901 his family lived at 7 Mariner's Street, Lowestoft. In 1911 his family lived at 16 Kirkley Street and Frank was a wood sawyer and a saw mill.
Frank enlisted in the Army at Ely and served, initially, with the Suffolk Yeomanry, number 1819. Later he was transferred to the Suffolk Regiment, number 5357, and posted to the 1/4th Battalion. he was renumbered to 202169 in 1917.

William George Borrett
A Private with the 7th Battalion, William died on 19th of July 1918 at the age of 24.
William was born at Lowestoft in 1894, a son of Julius John and Elizabeth Ann Borrett. He was baptised at Saint John's Church, Lowestoft, on 7 October 1894, and his family lived at Fern Cottage, Rotterdam Road. In 1901 his family lived at 55 Stanley Street and, by 1911, at 69 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, and William worked as a market gardener.

Augustus James Boyce
A Deck Hand with H.M. Trawler Tettenhall, Augustus died on 23rd of May 1917 at the age of 24.
Augustus was born at Lowestoft on 30 August 1891, a son of George William and Lavinia Ann Boyce. His family lived at 8 Church Road. From 1 February 1898 Augustus attended Saint Margaret's School. By 1901 Augustus' father had died and his family lived at Chain Cottages, 8 Church Road. By 1911 his family were living at 4 Fir Terrace, Oulton, and later his mother lived at 79 Lawson Road, Kirkley.

Kenneth Seymour Boyd
A Lance Corporal with the 1st Battalion, Kenneth died on 30th of June 1915 at the age of 24.
Kenneth was born at Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, in 1891, a son of Alexander Gaviller Boyd and Charlotte Christian Boyd. By 1901 his family were living at Stronsay, Kirkley Cliff Road, Lowestoft.

John Trevor Briggs
A Lance Bombardier with 75 (Shropshire Yeomanry) Medium Regiment, John died on 9th of August 1941 at the age of 24.
John was born in 1917, a son of Samuel George and Fanny Briggs. In 1921 his family lived at The Street, Hulver, and by 1939 they were living near the Post Office at Hulver, Beccles.
John married Beryl Olive Shipley in 1940. She lived at 'Penwood', Rushmere Road, Carlton Colville. Beryl remarried in 1944.
John died, at Bruith, Breconshire, as the result of an accident.

George Brinded
An Engineman with H.M. Trawler Boy Roy, George died on 9th of May 1916 at the age of 24.
George was born at Norwich on 12 December 1891, a son of William and Harriet Brinded. In 1901 his family lived at 149 Saint Margaret’s Road, Lowestoft, and by 1911 they lived at 74 Saint Margarets Road, and George worked as an engine cleaner with the Great Eastern Railway.
George joined the Royal Naval Reserve on 25 October 1915 and served on the trawler Boy Roy. An article in the East Anglian Daily Times, 11 May 1916, page 3, explains what happened to George:.

Albert John Buck
A First Engineer with Steam Trawler Derwent (Boston), Albert died on 26th of January 1920 at the age of 24.

Percy Albert Bullard
A Deck Hand with H.M. Drifter Coleus, Percy died on 4th of October 1918 at the age of 24.
Percy, also shown in some sources as Percival, was born at Kirkley on 5 January 1898, a son of William Charles and Eliza Bullard. From 7 January 1901 Percy attended Kirkley School and his family lived at 12 Lovewell Road. By 1911 Percy’s mother had died and his family lived at 8 Flora Terrace, Carlton Road. In 1915 Percy lived at 5 Saint John’s Road.

Sidney William Bunn
A Private, Sidney died on 15th of June 1915 at the age of 24.
Sidney was born at Carlton Colville in 1890, a son Albert and Harriet Mary Bunn. He was baptised at Saint Peter's Church, Carlton Colville, on 25 January 1891. In 1891 his family lived at Eades Farm Cottages, Marsh Lane, Carlton Colville. By 1901 they were living at Burnt Hill, Carlton Colville, and in 1911 at Marsh Lane, Carlton Colville, and Albert was a farm labourer. Later his parents lived at 57 Kimberley Road, Lowestoft.

Sidney Quantrill Burgess
A Private with 1st Battalion, Sidney died on 22nd of July 1916 at the age of 24.
Sidney was born at Lowestoft on 21 September 1894, a son of John and Susannah Burgess. He was baptised at Saint Margaret’s Church, Lowestoft, on 23 October 1891 and his family lived at Gordon House, Princess Road. Sidney was a pupil at Clapham Road School and, on 1 February 1898, became a pupil at Saint Margaret’s School. In 1911 their address was 11 Princes Road, and Sidney worked as a bottle washer at a ‘licensed premises’.

Frederick Charles Butler
A Private with the 5th Battalion, Frederick died on 9th of April 1917 at the age of 24.
Frederick was born at Ely in 1893, a son of Harry and Hannah (Annie) Mary Lord Butler. His father, a G.E.R. railway inspector, died in 1894 and by 1901 Frederick and his mother were living at 101 Stanley Street and his mother worked as a railway waiting room attendant at Lowestoft.
Frederick married Grace Mildred Barnard at Lowestoft in 1913. They lived at 22 Tonning Street, Lowestoft.

Alfred Leonard Calver
A Private with the Corps of Military Accountants, Alfred died on 20th of July 1921 at the age of 24.
Alfred was born at Lowestoft on 11 October 1895, a son of Samuel and Elizabeth Calver. In 1901 his family were living at 131 Saint Peter's Street. From 15 September 1908 Alfred attended Lowestoft School of Science. By 1911 Alfred's father had died and his family still lived at 131 Saint Peter's Street.

Jack Cornwall Catchpole
A Seaman with H.M. Trawler Comet. Jack died on 30th of September 1940 at the age of 24.
Jack was born at Kessingland on 12 September 1916, a son of Isaac John and Edith Annie Catchpole. He was baptised at Saint Edmund's Church, Kessingland, on 15 October 1916, and his family lived at 4 Belvidere, Kessingland Beach. By 1939 his family were living at 6 The Ridge, Kessingland, and Jack worked as a fisherman (weekly articles)
On 30 September 1940 the Comet sank after hitting a mine off Falmouth. Jack was among 15 crew who were killed.

Frederic Raymond Charlesworth
A Captain with the 25th (Montgomeryshire and Welsh Horse Yeomanry) Battalion, Frederic died on 19th of September 1918 aged 24.

William George Chatteris
A Flying Officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, William died on 10th of March 1945 aged 24.
William was born at Lowestoft on 11 May 1920, a son of William Frederick and Rose Ethel Chatteris. He was baptised at Saint John’s Church on 28 May 1920 and his family lived at 45 Windsor Road. In 1921 they lived at 1 May Road. By 1939 their home was at 30 Waveney Crescent, and William was a cabinet maker.

Gordon Frederick Chipperfield
A Pilot Officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Gordon died on 8th of April 1941 aged 24.
Gordon was born at Lowestoft on 13 April 1917, a son of Harold Hugh and Florence Sarah Chipperfield. He was baptised at Saint John’s Church on 24 January 1919 and his family lived at 125 Bevan Street. In 1921 Gordon lived with his grandparents, Frederick and Emma Chipperfield, at 125 Bevan Street. In 1939 Gordon was an electrical engineer and he lived at 50 Denmark Road with his grandmother Emma.

Ronald Henry Claxton
A Sergeant with the Royal Air Force, Ronald died on 12th of May 1940 aged 24.
Ronald was born at Lowestoft on 4 June 1915, a son of Thomas and Jessie Claxton. He was baptised at Saint Margaret’s Church on 22 June 1915 and his family lived at 17 Avondale Road and this was still their home in 1921. By 1939 they were living at 42 Rotterdam Road.
Ronald was a Pilot with 55 Squadron. He was flying a Blenheim I aircraft, L8386, on a night exercise training flight when the aircraft flew into high ground sixty miles east of Ismailia, Egypt. There was one survivor.

William Mace Collins
A Deck Hand with HM Drifter Protect, William died on 16th of March 1917 at the age of 24.
William was born at Lowestoft on 6 February 1893, a son of Arthur Josiah and Jane Collins. In 1901 his family lived at 15 Albert Street. By 1911 the family were living at 57 Beresford Road and William was a barman at a public house.
On 21 April 1915 William married Alice May Barkaway at Saint Margaret’s Church, Lowestoft. William was a furniture remover living at 57 Beresford Road, and Alice lived at 335 Raglan Street. Alice later remarried and lived at 17 Summer Road.

Ruby Irene Copping
A Civilian, Ruby died on 13th of January 1942 at the age of 24.
Ruby was born at Harwich on 28 November 1917, a daughter of Herbert and Ethel Copping. She was born a month after her father’s death.
Her family lived at 3A, Vansittart Street, Bathside, Harwich. After her father’s death they moved to Lowestoft and lived at 14 Saint Peter’s Street, and then at 173 London Road.
Ruby died at London Road North during the Waller Raid.
Her father died in 1917 from illness contracted while on active service.

Victor Hugh Crack
A Private with 7th Bn., Victor died on 12th of October 1916 at the age of 24.
Victor was born at Lowestoft in 1892, a son of Joseph and Florence Crack. In 1901 his family lived at 9, The Street, Lound, where is father had a grocery and draper's shop. In 1911 they were still living at 9 The Street, and Victor was working in his father's business.
Before enlisting in the Army, Victor worked for the Post Office.
Victor enlisted in the Army at Lowestoft. He joined the Suffolk Regiment, number 24707, and was posted to the 7th Battalion in France.

Jack Leonard Crispin
A Private with Motor Transport Training Depot (Reception Company). Jack died on 9th of May 1916 at the age of 24.
Jack was born at Kirkley in 1892, a son of John and Florence Crispin. His given first name was John but is seems that he was known as Jack. In 1901 his family lived at 43 London Road South, Lowestoft. By 1911 they were living at 1 Bixley Place, Bixley Road, and Jack worked as a green grocer's errand boy.
Jack enlisted in the Army at Lowestoft.
Jack died from pneumonia at the Military Hospital, Hounslow.

Kenneth Robert Russell Cross
A Seaman with H.M. Trawler Comet, Kenneth died on 30th of September 1940 aged 24.
Kenneth was born at Bramfield, Mutford, on 18 May 1916, a son of Henry George and Mabel Cross. In 1921 his family lived at Beccles Road, Mutford. By 1939 Kenneth's mother had died and his father still lived at Beccles Road, Mutford.
On 30 September 1940 the Comet sank after hitting a mine off Falmouth. Kenneth was among 15 crew who were killed.

Edward James Crowe
A Sergeant with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Edward died on 25th of July 1943 aged 24.
Edward was born at Bradwell on 12 July 1919, a son of Andrew Howes and Gertrude Eliza Crowe. In 1921 his family lived at Bright Road, Bradwell. By 1939 they were living at 179 Gorleston Road and Edward was a body maker’s apprentice.
In 1940 Edward married Ethel Maud Davis, this was registered in the Lothingland district. Ethel lived at 1 Hellena House, Clarkson Road, Oulton Broad.

Arthur Edwin Curtis
A Seaman with S.S. Ancona., Arthur died on 28th of May 1917.
Arthur was born at Kessingland on 24 March 1893, a son of James and Jessie Curtis of Kessingland Lowestoft. He was baptised at Saint Edmund's Church, Kessingland, on 25 June 1893. In 1901 his family lived at Elm Cottages, Kessingland. By 1911 they were living at Tramway Terminus, London Road, Pakefield, and Arthur was a herring fisherman. In 1914 they lived at 3 Carlton Terrace, Pakefield.
Arthur joined the Royal Naval Reserve on 29 December 1914. It seems that he served on Defensively Armed Merchant Ships.

Arthur Cutting
A Lance Corporal with the Royal Canadian Dragoons, Arthur died on 23rd of March 1918 at the age of 24.
Arthur was born at Beccles on 25 March 1892, a son of William and Harriet Cutting. In 1901 his family lived at Nelson Terrace, Fair Close, Beccles. Arthur's father died in 1908 and in 1911 his mother was living at 24 Fair Close, Beccles.

William Daines
A Private with the 11th Battalion, William died on 28th of April 1917 at the age of 24.
William was born at Carlton Colville in 1893, a son of Robert and Ellen Daines. In 1901 his family lived at Newton’s Cottages, Carlton Colville. By 1911 they were living at Private Road, Victoria Road, Oulton Broad, and William was a butcher’s assistant.
William enlisted in the Army at Lowestoft. He joined the Suffolk Regiment, service number 24160 and was posted to the 11th Battalion in France. He served with C Company.

George William Thomas Daines
A Stoker 1st Class with H.M.S. Pintail, George died on 10th of June 1941 at the age of 24.
George was born at Lowestoft on 10 January 1917, a son of George William and Hilda Honor Daines. By 1939 his family were living at 28 Kimberley Road, Lowestoft.

Raymond George Charles Ditcham
A Private with the 5th Battalion, Raymond died on 11th of November 1942 aged 24.
Raymond was born at Great Yarmouth on 29 November 1917, a son of Charles William and Edith Alice Ditcham. In 1921 his family lived at 196 Stafford Road, Great Yarmouth. By 1939 Raymond’s family were living at 40 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft. Before joining the Army Raymond was a cotton clothing cutter.

Charles Samuel Drake
A Sergeant with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Charles died on 23rd of February 1945 aged 24.
Charles was born at Lowestoft on 27 December 1920, a son of Charles William and Georgina Drake. He was baptised at Saint Margaret’s Church on 20 January 1921 and his family lived at 221 Raglan Street. By 1939 his family home was at 104 Beresford Road and Charles was a clerk with an electrical cable making contractor.

Ernest Andrew Eastick
A Craftsman with the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Ernest died on 20th of August 1947 aged 24.
Ernest was born at Eastbourne, Sussex, in 1923, a son of James William Aubrey and Emma Eastick (Ernest's father later remarried). By 1932 his family was living at Leeds and in 1939 their address was 7 Hawkswood Terrace, Leeds. Subsequently his parents lived at 32 Newson's Meadow, Lowestoft.
Ernest's death was registered in the Petersfield district.

Harry Randal Fisher
A Cook with H.M. Trawler Birdlip. Harry died on 13th of June 1944 at the age of 24.
Harry was born at Lowestoft on 30 May 1920, a son of Harry J. and Rhoda Fisher. In 1921 his family lived at 29 Pakefield Street, and this was still their address in 1939 when Harry worked as a sheet metal worker.
Harry married Kathleen Mary Butcher at Lowestoft in 1940.
Harry served on H. M. Trawler 'Birdlip' which was used as a 'submarine chaser'. On 13 June 1944 the Birdlip was torpedoed by submarine U-547 off the west coast of Africa. All of the crew, including Harry, were lost.

Frank Foot
A Lance Corporal with No 44 (Royal Marine) Commando, Frank died on 22nd of January 1945 aged 24.
Frank was born at Lowestoft on 23 June 1920, a son of Frank and May Violet Foot. He was baptised at Saint John’s Church on 16 July 1920 and his family lived at 194 Denmark Road. By 1939 they were living at The Elms, Carlton Road, and Frank was a fitter’s labourer.
In 1941 Frank married Gladys Irene Hitter, this was registered in the Lothingland district. Gladys remarried in 1947.

William James Foreman
A Corporal with the 16th Battalion, William died on 2nd of February 1917 at the age of 24.