Percival Rayner
A Private with the 7th Battalion, Percival died on 12th of October 1916 at the age of 29.
Percival was born at Lowestoft in 1887, a son of George and Elizabeth Rayner. In 1891 his family lived at 22 West Bevan Street. By 1901 they were living at 22 Norwich Road.
On 23 July 1910 Percival married Amy Marie Martin at Saint Margaret’s Church, Lowestoft. Percival was a sawyer living at 24 Kent Road, and Amy lived at 142 Denmark Road. In 1911 they lived at 66 Bevan Street and Percival was a sawyer at a saw mill. Later Amy lived at 142 Denmark Road.
Percival volunteered and enlisted in the Army at Lowestoft. He joined the Suffolk Regiment, service number 2153, and served, initially, with the 6th (Cyclist) Battalion. He was posted to the 7th Battalion, in France, and renumbered as 43140.
The War Diary for the 7th Battalion has:
10 October 1916
Relieved 11th Middlesex in Bulls Runs, near Flers, four companies in front line.
12 October 1916
Attack to be made on Bayonet Trench and Luisenhoff Farm. Morning very quiet.
5 a.m. Battalion lying in shell holes in front ready.
10 a.m. Major Henty went forward to advance Battalion Headquarters in Grass Street to receive reports.
2 p.m. Zero. Attack started. German barrage very intense. Battalion proceeded in four waves, each company with a platoon front.
No definite report until 6 p.m. when Battalion was back in front line having failed to attain objective.
B and D Companies gained objective, but were driven out by superior numbers.
1st Essex on right gained objective but were unable to hold it, finally and they managed to keep part of it.
Battalion withdrew to reserve in Flers Trench.
Colonel Murphy, in history of the Suffolk Regiment, felt that the attack failed because the enemy wire had only partially been destroyed and that the British barrage was ineffective.
All fifteen officers that went over the top became casualties: eleven killed and four wounded. Ninety two other ranks were killed and, in total, the Battalion had over 500 casualties.
Percival was killed in action on 12 October.
was a sawyer at a saw mill.
Percival Rayner
Denmark Road
United Kingdom
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